Impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on the consumption potential of families

case study in the municipality of Jaú/SP




Consumption potential, Economic class, Jaú, Household Consumption


Consumption potential indicates how much money families in a given location have available to spend on specific categories during the year, but as the covid-19 pandemic impacted the lives of consumers, there was an influence on the habits and spending of the population due to the fall. income, insecurity about the future and threat to health. In view of this, this article aims to describe the consumption potential and identify the purchase items of families in the municipality of Jaú, in addition to measuring the variation between the years 2020 and 2022. It is a case study, specifically the municipality of Jaú/SP, using quantitative data on consumption potential, number of companies and expenditure items. The results indicated that the consumption of families in this location should move about R$ 5.4 billion in 2022 and occupy the 157th position in the national ranking and 50th of the total consumption potential in the state. As for consumers' consumption habits, basic items continue to be a priority, with a great advantage over the others, with 27.84% of disbursements going to housing, own vehicle (10.89%), food consumption at home (8.39%) and street food (3.91%). It is noteworthy that the business profile of Jaú was affected, with the closing of more than 1,100 businesses in 2022 compared to 2021, with the retail and accommodation sectors being the most impacted.


Não há dados estatísticos.

Biografia do Autor

Célio Favoni, Faculty of Technology of Jahu

PhD in Production Engineering and Professor at the Faculty of Technology of Jahu

Adriano Carlos Moraes Rosa, Faculty of Technology of Guaratinguetá

PhD in Production Engineering and Professor at the Faculty of Technology of Guaratinguetá


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Como Citar

Favoni, C., & Rosa, A. C. M. (2023). Impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on the consumption potential of families: case study in the municipality of Jaú/SP. Refas - Revista Fatec Zona Sul, 9(5), 1–13.





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